#Genshin ivanovich
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deci-doodles · 1 year ago
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Made this coz why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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xwonderfuldeath · 8 months ago
.o| Seasonal Calendar |o.
• July 19 •
Warnings : Fluff, red flag behavior, fight
Please, consider supporting me on Ko-Fi ! ♥
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“- Did you choose what you want?
- … No.
- Take your time, choice is important.”
The woman, acting more like a four-year-old, simply nodded her little head, biting her lower lip, she seemed lost in the choices on the various shelves, playing with the sleeve of her much too large for her sweater. The heat outside was stifling, but she didn't feel the urge to have her arms out in full view of the people around her, always feeling that they were judging her. She made her way through the store filled with children's toys, accompanied by her two bodyguards, Felix and Ekaterina, the closest fatui to her second companion, Childe. Elyzabeth Ivanovich, or rather Tseng now, was the second wife of the highly respected Morax, or Zhongli, the famous ruler of the rock, having been chosen at the annual festival of descent, where Mr. Tseng had to find a companion for the coming year. All had decided not to stay with him, deciding to have no further contact with this thick brute who had nothing to please them. But Elyzabeth thought he was sweet, always gentle with her, and spoke to her in an almost honeyed tone, compared to the redhead. Childe was a real spoiled brat, a real viper's tongue who never stopped tormenting her, twice begging the great Morax to get her out of their lives. But what could she do if he didn't like her jokes? In the end, Zhongli had given her opinion: she would stay, whether Childe liked it or not, in her place as sovereign, and she'd heard them yell at each other about it more than once. Childe would get over it, she was sure, and there was no reason for him to remain angry, especially as he was the one primarily responsible for the situation. If he hadn't been a shy kid, she'd have treated him better in the first place. But she was lonely, the poor sovereign mostly locked away behind the big gates of the estate, Zhongli busy with his work, Childe still preferring to ignore him rather than act like a normal lover. Yet he didn't mind slipping into bed with the redhead on lonely evenings, not that Elyzabeth didn't want to anyway, she'd always had feelings for the Harbinger, something inexplicable. A mutual, childlike attraction.
“- Why not him?
- No.
- Why not?
- Because I don't like him.”
A weary sigh passed Childe's lips, as he continued to make his way between the shelves, searching with his eyes for anything that might please the little lady. He obviously didn't want to be there, but no one had asked his opinion, Childe had to be here for any official outing the Sovereign of the Rock couldn't be. The pretty Elyzabeth raised her eyes to the heavens, before continuing to circle around the stuffed animals, as she was feeling lonely, the sovereign had granted her to find a friend, someone with whom she could spend time, talk and feel reassured. It wasn't the Grizzly that was Childe who could help her feel positive in this big, cold building. So she asked for a stuffed animal, something that wouldn't normally attack her when her back was turned, but the choice was terribly difficult, with so many different stuffed animals to choose from. Elyzabeth didn't know where to put her eyes, or let her gaze wander so as not to fall in love with all the cute little faces. Which obviously made the redhead impatient, randomly pulling out one of them and showing it to her as if it were the right cuddly toy. He really didn't understand a thing, and that made Elyzabeth sulky. If it was to have a troublesome Childe, she'd surely have done better to stay at the palaces, or at least go somewhere far away, where she was sure he wouldn't be able to follow her.
“- Stop it, I've already said no.
- Hurry up, I've got an important meeting in three hours.
- What's the big deal?
- So I don't feel like babysitting anyone for three hours.
- Nobody's asking you to, you can go.”
The powdered one is irritated, she knows better than anyone that he's trying to get her riled up, but she resists, turns her back to go and see something else, another shelf with even more fluff on it, making the redhead grunt in frustration. This brute lived only for combat at the moment, seeking out everyone, even the sovereign had to put him in his place, leaving him with a wound running from his shoulder to his lower back. Elyzabeth wasn't the smartest of women, but she knew that cutting someone in half was a bad idea. And lethal. So even though Childe was unbearable, she said nothing, didn't get into his stupid game, she was here for a cuddly toy, not to rip his head off. Even so, Elyzabeth would be lying if she said she didn't want to.
“- Why not our good sovereign, you like him don't you?”
She straightened her eyes, looking at the novelty Childe had found, an exact copy of the dragon, lying down. Its little legs, its colors, you could see that Zhongli's daughter had put her hands to the sewing. But right next to it, proudly placed on the display, the plush ball also caught her eye, an antique baby geosaurus. A perfect replica with drawn features and beautiful eyes. Her heart sways for the two little pieces of stuffed fabric, begging her to take them and love them with all her heart. She hesitates, moving towards the geosaurus, then towards the plush toy Childe hands her. And he still finds something to complain about, pulling the Morax plush out from under the gaze of the beautiful Elyzabeth, who wrinkles her nose, ready to retort, but he beats her to it with his mocking air.
“- The sovereign said: One plush, no more.
- I didn't say I'd take two.
- But you're hesitating. Make your choice.”
He swings the stuffed toy from right to left, as if it were a balloon, taunting Elyzabeth with his air of frightened bitchiness. She takes a long breath, trying to calm her nerves, and then goes to take a closer look at the two of them, under the redhead's laughter, ever more mocking, always looking for the little beast. And finally she snaps, her sword of ice appearing between her fingers, as she turns around, cutting the poor plushie in half in the process, the blood from Childe's stricken hand runs down and he looks at her, delighted by this reaction.
“- Bas alors, ont est sur les nerfs miss?
- I wonder why you are?
- Me too.”
He replies directly, retaliating with his sly smile, and soon the stuffed toy store becomes a veritable battlefield, open to insults and every trick in the book. The poor stuffed toys quickly end up on the floor, torn open, childish dresses, polished shoes, nothing is spared by the marital dispute, Elyzabeth quickly getting the upper hand, only because of the sovereign's wounds still fresh on Childe, and she's about to plant her now ice spear in the ground to show off her victory before a shout brings them back down to earth. Letting go of the cloth she's retrieving, the amber-tipped blonde looks at her now ransacked store, the walls cracked, the floor splintered. She wonders how the building hadn't collapsed during their ruckus, and the dry voice that sounds so much like her father's echoes.
“- Get out of my store immediately! Fight outside!”
Elyzabeth looks sulky as she sits on the leather sofa, while Childe seems proud of himself, looking at the sovereign with his cheeky little bitch look, not a little sorry to have wrecked a Liyue store.
“- Mayuri sent me the bill. Two hundred and ten stuffed animals from the new collection smashed to bits. Forty-two dresses beyond repair, fifty pairs of shoes destroyed. The store collapsed after you left, making a total of 1 million two hundred and fifty thousand moras in debt.
- In my defense, Elyzabeth started it.
- What? You were unbearable! And you want to blame it all on me?
- Oh, madame is disappointed because she couldn't win?
- Silence.”
The two fall silent, but don't completely stop under the golden gaze of the Sovereign of the Rock, who places the papers in front of him, folding his hands solemnly as he passes from Childe to Elyzabeth coldly.
“- The Northern Bank will have to reimburse this sum and reopen Mayuri's store.
- What?! Why?!
- Because if you don't, we leave our agreement with the fatui permanently.”
Childe frowns, opening his mouth to protest before finally crossing his arms and grinding his teeth on his reopened wound. Then Zhongli turns her eyes to look at Elyzabeth, who is trying to make herself smaller, less present.
“- I've made the decision to choose your new friend.
- But…
- You can name him.”
He pushes open the box under Elyzabeth's angry gaze, turning to Childe as he gently mocks her. She picked up the parcel, looking to see which one Mr. Tseng had decided to give her, delighted all the same to have the right to the dragon. The patched seams in the middle tell her it must be the first of the great carnage, but she makes no comment on this, rejoining her place slightly but standing further away from the redhead.
“- Next time you declare war in Liyue, I'll have you put straight in jail for the night. Am I clear?
- Yes.”
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daizywrld · 4 years ago
Иваныч, ты шо ле?
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npcdoodles · 3 years ago
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ivanovich petpet
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sunnyoverdosed · 3 years ago
dumbass (affectionate)
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kelluarts · 3 years ago
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Some wip of my most worked piece for around… 10 years ? Almost not joking…
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jadechamber · 4 years ago
long post about the chinese dragons, rex lapis exuvia, and why the en translation left out the specification that it’s half qilin and half long (chinese dragon)
also spoilers i guess for guizhong and zhongli backstories?
I think maybe the game will expand/fix this later on when we get to know more about elemental life forms, but I just realized the EN translation never actually explicitly calls zhongli's exuvia/beast form a dragon, or even mentions that he was ever a dragon or anything. Which is odd, because they canonically mention dvalin and azhdaha being dragons. So maybe EN the game is trying to go with the consistent and European version where "dragons are big, powerful and usually scary unless special humans help them"? (more about that in the third paragraph.)
To be fair, you don't even need to say zhongli's most recent exuvia was half dragon for virtually everyone on the planet to recognize that it was. Or more specifically, a chinese dragon. Even if you don't know a lot about chinese history and culture, there's a very high chance you can still recognize a lóng (in mandarin), or chinese dragon. So maybe that's why didn't mention it. Because they knew the audience would already know (but there's also problems with this line of rationalization as well, which I will also get to). But if that's the case, why did they already go ahead and change the mandarin text of Ivanovich who specifically says the exuvia is half qilin and half dragon? In english they only say that it's "a combination of two legendary creatures of liyue" or something like that. It never specifies which ones (if you talk to Ivanovich after you complete the rite of descension quest you don't get that dialogue anymore.)
Like, we're already going to be introduced to qilins via Ganyu's backstory, and we already know dragons exist in genshin. It wouldn't have been confusing at all to keep the specification, and arguably it's more confusing to go without it because I think "his beast form is a combo of two super legendary liyue creatures" is kind of a big deal lore-wise. In fact, it wouldn't even confuse people who are most used to knowing dragons as the more modern European version (large and mean and destructive) because lore-wise you could easily attribute zhongli's gentler side to his qilin side (which are still explained even in EN to be very gentle creatures via ganyu's story quest). Even if you play the game only in mandarin this is what the game seems to do. I know that he technically took on a lot of forms and that the lore states that not even the Exuvia might be his original/"true" form, but still. It's the only beast form we've seen him in and it is the most fitting, so the audience will subconsciously pick it up as his "main" beast form.
Also this is a very nitpicky thing with the fandom but TECHNICALLY from what I've seen in chinese media lóng are not depicted fully as "super soft innocent uwu" creatures like I've noticed some people saying, they can still be stern and serious, they're just historically/culturally more wise, graceful, benevolent, protective/leadership deities compared to modern english dragons. I don't think it's actually THAT big of a deal or insulting of however you depict a chinese dragon, some variations just may seem more unusual or weird to asian people (and it also intersects with conversations about masculinity in america and europe vs masculinity in east asia) and then for the case of zhongli some depictions are just like. arguably ooc. ALSO I could write paragraphs about how even in some european countries dragons were revered too! Especially in Celtic Ireland.
Now, as I mentioned before the "well the game doesnt need to say zhongli is a lóng since virtually everyone can recognize one" is a faulty argument because his exuvia is actually very apparent to be a combo and not fully lóng; the problem is most people just aren't able to tell because more people are familiar with them and not qilin. The exuvia is shorter than most traditional dragons, has this little pointy horn thing? in the middle of the forehead which you see more on qilins (at least in more historical, non-genshin depictions), and the biggest indicator I think, is that it's a LOT more fluffy than lóng (like the large unevenly-sized crests on his back, his tail, and around his head).
I know a lot of people say that the En translation team made Zhongli too strict/mean for a chinese lóng (they're mainly talking about Keith Silverstein and how they directed his voicelines) and I do agree a bit but to me I would have to argue that if anything, the EN writing team also leaned too much into zhongli's lóng/serious side and kind of disregarded his qilin/polite side. And I wonder if this is because they thought chinese dragons were more easily digestable and recognizable to most people who weren't chinese? Either way it sucks they left that lore bit out because having him be a combination makes zhongli more interesting and less stereotypical. like oh yes liyue is china of course the archon/leader has to be a serious male full chinese dragon. duh. Which is fine and fitting! but just slightly boring at this point. Also considering that zhongli has taken on several forms and the way daoist illuminated immortals (adepti) work, he could've even been born a full qilin, a tiger, a human, a fucking panda. who knows.
Personally I think zhongli's half long half lin form is his most common form and he took it up when guizhong died, which was when he became like "okay maybe I should start interacting with my people and learn about them if I'm going to be the sole leader of them now. [and also because guizhong wanted him to] but also I need to make sure I can still be powerful to protect them" and "I need to take up an appropriate form so humans respect/rever me and don't freak out." (I definitely don’t think full lóng dragon was his original form.)
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elliecupcakes · 3 years ago
Genshin for the fandom thing 👀
Nice, nice!!! Let me think about it...
Genshin Impact
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
blorbo (character I think about the most)
I like Diluc a lot. I bring him in domains full of Pyro slimes anyway, because I only play as him and a few others in my team.
scrunkly (my “baby”)
My baby Barbara!! I love her so much!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fave)
No one seems to pay much attention to Amber and I don’t know why, still, one of my big early favorites. The Traveler as well, Lumine in specific.
glup shitto (obscure fave)
I adore all the Fatui npcs, in particular Viktor, Ivanovich and the couple at the Liyue bank (Nadia and Vlad)
poor little meow meow (problematic fave)
The Electrohammer Vanguard. Big chonky purple boys, the Anemoboxer  Vanguard are cool as well, though. Half of this list is made of Fatuis, but alright, alright.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun)
I love him, love to beat him up every Monday at 4:00 am, Childe. 10/10 would spar with him and have a date afterwards.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
There’s some characters that I can’t just stand for a reason or another, and the Abyss Mages are one of them. I despise their laugh with all my heart.
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the-sayuri-rin · 4 years ago
Genshin Festivals
Mondstadt has  Ludi Harpastum and Windblume Festivals (second one I learned from the wikia)
Liyue has Lantern Rite
Snezhnaya has Krisnik Noc (would not have known if I had not talked to Ivanovich)
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sunnyoverdosed · 4 years ago
outdated design !!
yo meet my genshin oc:))
name's Rey, an electro vision bearer and sword polearm user from Shezhnaya who currently settles in Liyue where he very accidentally got shelter from the Fatui.
his outfit will definitely change over time; this is one of his beta designs
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